Exhibit At Groton Public Library


Heather and I shared a studio many years ago and, at times, found our work traveling in the same direction.  We have maintained  friendship and interest in each others work over time and distance.  These images have connected and it is a joy to bring it together.

Groton Public Library

*Click here to see article from Boston Globe West



Curious about monotypes?   I’ll be teaching the following workshop and classes over the next few months.


MONOTYPE:  The Painted Print from an Etching Press

Whether you are an experienced artist looking for new ideas, or someone who has never put paint on paper, this technique has endless possibilities and very exciting results.
In this class, oil printmaking ink will be used to paint, draw into, roll, wipe away or dab onto a plexiglas plate. The image will go through a press onto printmaking paper creating unexpected and surprising results. An etching press will be used to transfer your image to the paper. Participants will learn how to modify the inks and explore brush and roller techniques. If you already know the basics, you can move forward at your own pace. Individual guidance will be provided.

4 week class, Tuesday, Nov. 12-3,  from 10 am – 2 pm

About Monotypes

This technique is highly versatile. The materials, the tools available to apply them and the techniques to transfer to paper create a long list.

Water color, oil paints, blockprint, etching and litho inks are a few of the materials that can be used to paint a monotype. Brushes, rollers, dabbers, palette knives and cloth begin the list of potentials tools to apply and remove the paint from the plate. An etching press or a number of hand tools can be used to transfer the painting to paper.

The piece below, Full Moon Rising, was painted with oil etching inks applied to the plate with rollers, brushes and finger tips. The moon was created with a drop of paint thinner and a rag removing the lavendar in that spot to allow the white of the paper to be the moon. All of the white shapes in my work are where the paint is removed and the paper allowed to show.

Click on any thumbnail on this site to see a larger image.

Moon Rising (detail)